NQT year DONE. School is OUT. Summer is ON!

Apologies - my bad as I have not blogged in a whole long while! The summer term in school is by far the most busiest. Honestly there is zero time to sit down and relax for 5 minutes! Although I am pleased and relieved that I have passed my first year as a teacher and it has been so enjoyable! Yes, school is finally out for the summer!!

What have I been upto? Erm...to be honest lazing around since Wednesday and going out for Iftar with friends. I think the tiredness of the term is slowly catching up on me. I have actually been having proper lie-ins for like the first time this year. Although they will soon be phased out once I get bored! It has been really hard trying not to think about school work for September and even when I am on the net I find myself veering to Amazon or School resource websites ( sad I know!) But I have been reasonably good today...

I was in Paperchase the other day having a mooch around the card section and it got me thinking that I really should get back into card making. I used to love it so much but then when I started working it took a back seat. So one of my aims this summer is to create a mahoosive collection. Yes I am being serious and possibly sending a sample to Paperchase (fingers crossed!) Alongside that aim, I also want to create a website for my art work....although I need to crack on making some more art if I want to showcase it to the public. We'll see...

I'm also off to Morocco in 10 days which I am so excited about. I will hopefully be teaching out there for 2 weeks as well as fitting in some sightseeing. I will be blogging when I get back now but before then I have a makeup post about my latest makeup.

That's all for now...

Love Sara xx

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