Back to School in a day!

I honestly cannot believe how fast the time has gone since I finished my PGCE course. It's crazy to think that a just over two months ago, I had no job to look forward too and now I start a permanent role on Monday! Excited? Yes to meet my class of munchkins! Nervous? Hell yes! The nerves are settling in alright. My main focus is to make learning as fun, stimulating and meaningful for the children and ensure my children reach their potential. With that in sight as well as being positive, I hope to pass my NQT year by next summer. I know there are a few other NQT's and teachers who have just passed their's so there seems to be a good support system in place.

With regards to this blog, I don't want to make any promises that I will blog weekly/monthly as this year is going to be pretty much like my PGCE. I'll most likely have no life for 11 months - although I won't have assignments, it will be all about marking and assessments and managing paperwork. I will try my best to update it - I will most likely be blogging about how my NQT year is going but will try to squeeze in a few random posts too!

So take care for now and hopefully will be blogging soon :) 

Lots of love, Sarii xx

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