Where HAVE I been...?

Oh my goodness, I have neglected my blog muchly and it is not because I have had blog-freeze, I have been so crazily busy with my course! I have so much to blog about...and wish I could have blogged in the break I have been away...

So what HAS been happening??

Well I finished my second teaching placement and I was so pleased with my grading and report, I was uber happy! Then I was back at university for a month, then easter hols, back at uni and for the past 2 weeks I have had a fairly spacious timetable but in between that I have been sorting out my mounds of paperwork and files for my final placement as well as applying for billions of jobs.

I cannot believe how fast this year has been. It felt like yesterday when I was like 10 months to go until I qualify as a teacher and now it will be like 7 weeks (well I think 8 until I am awarded QTS). I am so excited for a number of reasons; one that I will be a TEACHER - yay!, two because I can't wait until I start teaching Reception next week and three because I am SO looking forward to having my own class - soon I hope!

Other than that I have been keeping fit by eating more heathily since I was diagnosed with being deficient in basically every single vitamin going ( not good I know) and going to the gym. Although, I may have to put the gym on hold for this placement...well I am going to see how it goes I guess...

In terms of the beauty world I can't remember if I mentioned in my previous post or not but I purchased a few items from Sue Moxley, mainly baked bronzer/highlighters and a mix nail polishes. I don't know why I've become drawn to nail colours so much recently but painting your nails really does perk my mood, especially with all the rain we've had here in London!
In fact I just painted mine now in Rimmel's 'Apricot Punch' and it is GORGEOUS!

Hmm what else, what else? Erm...I haven't really bought any wishlist makeup purely because of time and also I only tend to 'treat' myself after I've achieved something...lol (yes, that way I cut down on makeup/jewellery spending) Although saying that I just remembered, I did purchase two pairs of earrings recently too - beautiful and ethnic!

I will have to snap some pics and add them to this blog as I have just realised this post may be boring you without any pics - I will try my utmost to get it done this weekend.

Also, my final placement starts on Monday for 6 weeks, yes my last ever placement! I will be teaching Reception (4-5yr olds) and I am really excited. I hope I have as much fun as I have had in my last placements and maintain my grades :)

Anyhow I am going to be off now as I have a few bits to tidy up and I want to make some vanilla flavoured coffee :)

Lots of love,

Sara xx

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