My Journey To Become A Primary School Teacher Has Finally Begun...

Today I returned to university as a PGCE Primary Trainee Teacher. I was amazed at how many trainees filled up the lecture room, there must have been over 200 of us!

I didn't sleep much at all last night as I was so nervous but as soon I approached the room and sat down next to a girl I had bumped into at the entrance, everything seemed much more calmer. I pretty much had back to back lectures from 9am until 3pm and boy was I shattered at the end of the day! Well this is what it is going to be like for the next 10 months and whilst I am very excited, it is going to be a long slog. Honestly, it is. We were all given details about the course, our assignments and placement and evidence tracker and I will have no life for the duration of this course.

I will continue to blog as much as I can as it is agreat outlet for me to just talk about everything. But if I do disappear for a while it is due to my course and workload although I do hope to organise myself and maintain it throughout the year :)

I have even had to give myself a bedtime as I have to wake up super early to get the tube from North West London to East London. Crazyness but it will be worth it!

Well I need to go and remove my makeup and sort out my outfit for tomorrow as I can't afford to faff about in the morning...hehe :)

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