
With Ramadan coming to an end, I visited my cousins to prepare for Eid celebrations. I love this time of year when it is Eid as I get to henna everyone in my family. Usually I make the henna pasta using a simple recipe consisting of henna powder, lemon juice, sugar and essential oils but this time I decided to order a tube from a henna artist online. I opted for the mini henna kit which included a cone of henna, henna seal spray and a glitter cone for decoration.

I created these patterns on my sister, cousins, aunty and myself... ( Some pics don't want to send to my laptop for some reason will try and post the rest soon!)

Henna after 6 hours

Henna after 24 hours

I am absolutely amazed with the results. Amazingly dark henna which looks beautiful!

How did your henna turn out? Do you create your patterns or go and get it professionally done?

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