I packed quite a bit last week but then decided to unpack it and sort through EVERYTHING properly as I don't want to take stuff to my new place that I just won't use. So far so good I will be donating 3 bags of things to charity. I have even seperated them into clothes, books and shoes! I actually only have papers to sort out, makeup, cookware and jewellery to pack and then I am done. Despite the fact that I have been organised and labelled each box, I dislike packing as you come across 'junk' you forgot about or haven't used. I can't believe how much I have accumulated over the past 2 years here...thankfully I am donating my unused art materials and other things.
I think I much prefer to unpack as you can reorganise all your things and rearrange everything...I am actually really excited about moving into my new place...I want my room to have a theme this time...I'm not going to go all out and that but just by using accessories to give it that feel. I will tell all in the follow up post..
On another note I cooked quite a bit yesterday..well to last until the end of the week..
I cooked a Kashmiri Chicken Dish yesterday which turned out well depsite dropping way too much paprika into the pan :S ( Yes the lid came off and I was like Nooo!) But tasted delicious in the end...

Later on in the evening I just cooked fusilli pasta with a tomato and mascarpone sauce which was also delicious. That is probably the worst thing about being on holidays, I tend to eat more :S Well after I have moved I intend to start back at the gym as I want to tone up for the summer :)
Well I better get typing the next post ...
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