Sarii's Scarves...

Hello girlies,

I was going to do a beauty related post but I have just finished sorting out my scarves and thought it would be cool to do a post on how I store my scarves. I think I own quite a lot of be prepared! :P

My mom purchased me this organiser from Ikea a few years ago. I think it is primarily for hanging up ties but I thought it would be a useful to hang up my scarves. It also makes it easier for me when I want to choose a scarf to match my outfit. I just knot the scarf on to a loop and let them hang from the back. I could honestly do with another one of these but I do not have the space. I did use to put them in colour/material order but I found that I became lazy when I hung them up at the end of the day so I just randomly hung them all up, but let my lighter, chiffon type scarves for use in the summer at the bottom.

Hope you enjoy...

Peace out,


  1. i store my scarves like this...aswell...i tagged u in an award on my vlog..seriously you should have more followers... yours is

  2. It's great isn't it :) Aww that's really sweet, thank you xx

  3. and i thought MY scarf collection was bad! :o

    in awe
